Leave a legacy
Be remembered for something worth remembering
Can you remember how your musical journey started? Perhaps it was when a grandparent sat you beside them at the piano. Or when a teacher saw how you came alive during music lessons. Or maybe when you were given your first guitar and played your first chords.
However you first got involved in music and wherever it’s led you, you can help a talented child start or continue on their musical journey by leaving a gift in your Will.
We’re here here to give musicial talent a chance and support talented young people from low income families through their individual musical journey. Now you have the opportunity to gift chances so these young people can reach their musical potential so that the music never stops.
After you have looked after your friends, family and those closest to you, a gift in your Will could do amazing things.
The legacy that started it all!
On a sunny morning in July Michael Lewin invited Caius Lee to his home to share a story close to his heart: that of his uncle Bob and how his legacy started it all for Young Sounds UK.
National Free Wills Network
We've partnered with National Free Wills Network so you can make your free Will in person with a local solicitor.
"Why I’m leaving a legacy"
In this guest blog, Young Sounds Angel Diana Toeman MBE shares her and her late husband Richard’s musical journeys, how they came to hear about our work and why she’s made the decision to support Young Sounds in her Will.
"Isn’t that a lovely way to be remembered?!"
In this guest post, Young Sounds UK Trustee and Guardian Angel Lynda Beament shares how supporting Young Sounds celebrates the memory of her husband Mike and why she’s leaving a gift in her Will.
Write a Will for good
Young Sounds have partnered with Bequeathed to offer a free online Will writing service. With Bequeathed you can make a start on your Will For Good immediately.
The Monica and Quintin Des Clayes Awards
In 2020 we launched the Monica and Quintin Des Clayes Awards, thanks to a generous legacy gift from the Des Clayes family. Each year, 25 young musicians from low income families will receive financial help for their music making and individual support for their musical progression.
The Lucy Gostwick Award
When you attach your name or the name of a loved one to a Young Sounds Award, you’re associated with giving wonderful music to the world. The Lucy Gostwick Award for young pianists, was created in memory of Lucy Gostwick, a talented multi-instrumentalist.
Legacy material
We have created a handy document for you to download should you want a copy for your records, would like to share this information or to revisit it at a later date.
“It’s such a privilege and joy to be a Young Sounds Angel.”
We recently spoke to Young Sounds Angel and legacy supporter, Handa Bray MBE, about what music and Young Sounds mean to her. Handa first discovered Young Sounds in 2016 through our fundraising concert at the beautiful Hatchlands Park in Surrey.
The Robert Lewin Circle
We have now launched the Robert Lewin Circle to recognise the generosity of those who have pledged to leave a gift to Young Sounds. If you do decide to leave a legacy, we’d be delighted to welcome you as a member of the Circle and send you updates on our work and invitations to events.
“My husband and I were keen to ensure that when we no longer need it anymore, some of our money is used to benefit charities that we have supported throughout our lives. We think the work that Young Sounds does with young people is fabulous. We love that they enable children from all backgrounds to develop their musical skills. We found it very easy to add Young Sounds to our Wills. We did it via a meeting with our solicitor. It’s nice to know we have that box ticked now!”
Clare, member of The Robert Lewin Circle
“To me, music is one of the greatest and most life-enhancing joys in the world. To help to fund Young Sounds in identifying musical talent amongst young people throughout the UK - giving them the opportunity to enhance their skills, to perform with other young musicians, to share their talent and that joy with us all - is the most tremendous privilege.”
Handa, member of The Robert Lewin Circle
If you’re making a Will for the first time, we’d recommend that you get in touch with a solicitor to talk about your options.
If you’d like to amend your Will to include a gift to Young Sounds you should also get in touch with your solicitor.
We’re not able to advise you on how to specifically create a legacy but will let you know about developments in our work and how your gift will be used to give talent a chance.
If you’d would like to have a chat about leaving a legacy to Young Sounds and what your gift could have the potential to do please do get in touch.
Young Sounds was founded by a legacy from Robert Lewin. That same legacy has inspired and given thousands over 5,000 young musicians a chance to reach their potential.
Our Development Manager, Sanpreet Janjua, would be delighted to hear from you and talk to you about how your legacy could do the same.
Get in touch
Want to talk to us about supporting our work? Please feel free to contact our Development Manager if you have any questions.
Sanpreet Janjua
E: [email protected]
T: 0300 302 3422