Champions for Children 2023 – Meet Katrina

Over the last week we’ve been raising money for our Furthering Talent programme in Lewisham! There’s still time to double your donation and support young musicians like Katrina.

16 year old Katrina joined Furthering Talent in 2021 and plays the piano. Her teacher saw how much she loved performing and knew she would benefit from one-to-one lessons. Here’s what she finds so special about playing music:

“When you play music that you like, you get to have a moment where you have deeper thoughts. You just get really into the music and connect it to your feelings and share it with others.

“When I play the piano, it’s just really fun! In my head it’s like ‘ooh I’m doing something cool’. It just feels nice.”

Through Furthering Talent, Katrina has developed her passion for music further. She’s learning lots of new music in her lessons at Lewisham Music. Using her bursary, she was able to buy an electronic piano and now enjoys practising at home. She says:

“Furthering Talent helps a lot because I get to learn new things each time I have a lesson. It also helps me to enjoy myself at home because now I have a piano at home as well. When I learn stuff through Furthering Talent, then I get to do what I love here [at Lewisham Music] and at home.”

You can help young people like Katrina to continue their music journeys by supporting AYM and Lewisham Music in our Champions for Children appeal.

We’re raising £36,000 to support 30 children in Lewisham so they can receive tailored musical support including free weekly instrumental lessons. The Childhood Trust have generously backed our project, along with many of our kind supporters.

This means that any donations, up to a total of £18,000, made between now and midday on Tuesday 20 June will be doubled! Thank you!

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