“At first Max wouldn’t play his clarinet at home and was too shy to perform to the family, but now he wants to play to us all of the time!”

“Some people aren’t lucky and don’t get the chance to learn a new talent or get better at music. I am really lucky because I now have such a good teacher.”

Twelve year old Max has always loved music but until AYM began supporting him he never had the opportunity to develop his natural potential. Now this has all changed.

“I really enjoy my private clarinet lessons with my teacher because I can practise without any distractions. I enjoy it because I can talk to him on my own about things I’m finding difficult. He’s very funny and makes me laugh so much!” As well as making great progress with his music making Max has grown in confidence. As his Mum says,

“At first Max wouldn’t play his clarinet at home and was too shy to perform to the family, but now he wants to play to us all of the time! When he started secondary school, six months after starting his private lessons, he loved taking his clarinet with him and was proud of what he was doing.

“Max is autistic and needs routine and regularity. His practice schedule helps with this. He’s really struggled with the changes that Coronavirus has brought to our lives, but he has kept his love for music, which has really helped.”

Max also brings his family into this musical world – two of sisters, Poppy and Holly – are also now learning instruments with AYM’s help.

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