Champions for Children 2022 – Meet Aiden

This week, as part of our Champions for Children appeal, we’re introducing you to seven young musicians who are all on our Furthering Talent programme in Lewisham. 

Today we’d like you to meet 14 year old Aiden who plays the guitar. It took a while for Aiden to find music but he’s now glad he did! 

Aiden’s Story

His mum Natasha says

“Music is now part of Aiden’s future plans. Previously music wasn’t his ‘thing’ but it is now. He’d tried other sports activities like Tae Kwan Do, boxing and basketball but nothing really caught his attention. 

“When we found out he had a place on the Furthering Talent programme and would get two years of free music lessons it was a bolt from the blue – I had to double check they were in fact talking about my child! 

“I was hesitant about him going, thinking it would last a couple of weeks and he’d give up, however less than a year later he’s loving his guitar lessons, he’s purchased his own guitars (yes plural!) keyboard and melodica and is picking GCSE’s to help him towards his dream of being a music teacher!”

Aiden says

“Since I joined Furthering Talent I listen to music more and I appreciate it a lot better than I used to. The best thing about being on the programme is how supportive everyone is. I love the sense of achievement I have from learning all the songs I now know. 

“I’ve learnt that I can play songs that are recognisable and that sound good – it’s great that I’m able to do this to a good standard. I now feel confident when I play.”

His mum has also seen Aiden become more confident. She says:

“He practices daily – the first time he realised the song he was practising could be recognised (and sung along to by us) he had the biggest smile. 

“Being on Furthering Talent has not only given him direction but also confidence – he felt confident enough to get involved with a whole school production and did all the music cues and sound. It’s enhanced a skill nobody realised he had, even him! We will be forever grateful for this opportunity.”

You can help young musicians like Aiden to find their thing by supporting AYM and Lewisham Music in our Champions for Children appeal.

This week we’re raising £24,150 to support our Furthering Talent programme. Through this, 30 children in Lewisham, like Aiden, will receive tailored musical support including free weekly instrumental lessons.

The Childhood Trust have generously backed our project, along with many of our kind supporters. This means that any donations, up to a total of £12,075, made between now and midday on Tuesday 21 June will be doubled!

Please donate today so that many more young people like Aiden can reach their musical potential. Thank you!

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