Developing new technology with Charanga to support individualised musical learning

We’re delighted to launch our partnership with Charanga today. Together we’ll be helping young people sustain their musical learning through the development of an interactive Individual Learning Plan (ILP) and web environment supporting their progression.

Photograph (c) Edward Webb

The project will give young musicians the tools to be able to shape their own musical journeys and enrich their learning. Students, and their teachers, will be able to access an ILP tailored to their needs via Charanga Yumu, a new area of Charanga’s award-winning music education platform, on multiple devices.

The project is inspired by AYM’s Furthering Talent programme, which supports students from low income families whose whole-class music lessons are coming to an end. The programme enables them to continue making music, with students receiving weekly instrumental tuition for a minimum of two years, and a learning plan to support them further.

“I’ve been following AYM’s Furthering Talent programme since its launch and think the framework they’ve developed to support individualised learning is quite brilliant. Working together in this new partnership, I’m excited to leverage our technology, platform and reach to help scale up this potentially game-changing approach.” 

Mark Burke, Founder and Director of Charanga.

We’ll work closely with Charanga and our partners, schools, music services, hubs and others to find the young people who could benefit most from the new project, and the Furthering Talent programme more broadly.

Furthering Talent will support 500 young people across 15 hubs by the end of 2020 and we hope this new partnership will significantly increase those numbers. Both organisations are investing in this exciting new initiative, which has also received generous funding from Youth Music and a major corporate Trust.

“AYM exists to give talent a chance and we can do even more by leveraging Charanga’s technology. Together we can help young people to pursue their ambitions to excel in making music and give them the best possible chance to flourish and grow.”

Hester Cockcroft, Chief Executive at AYM.

AYM is a founding member of the Alliance for a Musically Inclusive England

The Alliance for a musically inclusive England is a movement for change throughout music education. It is a growing network of organisations working together to:
* promote equity in music education
* support others to do the same through advocacy, CPD, resources, and strategic alliances.
More about AMIE

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