Gospel Music Industry Alliance partners with Awards for Young Musicians and Lewisham Music

We are excited to announce a new partnership with Gospel Music Industry Alliance (GMIA) by hosting a gospel music workshop for young musicians accessing Lewisham Music. The workshop is designed to introduce gospel music and vocals to young musicians and composers, exploring the adaptability of gospel music across other genres.

The workshop has inclusion at its heart and our involvement supports GMIA’s ambition to engage musicians of all ages. Introducing some participants to the gospel genre for the first time. The first gospel taster day will be hosted by AYM partners, Lewisham Music, at their music centre above The Fellowship and Star in Lewisham on Saturday 25 March, from 11am – 4pm. The workshop will be facilitated by musicians from The Spirituals Choir. Young musicians from AYM’s and Lewisham Music’s programmes will be invited to attend.

“We’re delighted to be working in partnership with the GMIA and Lewisham Music on this exciting day of music making, the first event in what we hope will be a long-term collaboration on this exciting musical genre.”

Hester Cockcroft, CEO of AYM

“It’s exciting to provide musician diversity to all those attending some will have prior lived experience and others will be learning about Gospel for the first time.”

Audrey Gray, CEO of GMIA

For more information about the workshop visit www.lewishammusic.org

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