“It’s the first year I feel that I have really been able to spread my wings”

Whatever the barriers to a young person’s musical progress – we’re here to remove them and ensure that all talent is recognised.

“My mum is a single parent and we are both visually impaired. Public transport is expensive and without help, I would have to forego opportunities such as getting to my weekly classes at the Centre for Young Musicians and performing at venues such as the Barbican.

“My mum and I are both night blind and cannot travel by public transport when it’s late and there is no disabled assistance. So the only way of being able to perform at a concert such as at the Barbican is to come home by taxi.

“I really cannot thank AYM enough as it’s the first year I feel that I have really been able to spread my wings and do what other musicians do without the limitations of mum’s and my sight being an obstacle.” – Ivan, aged 15

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