Meet our second Alumni Trustee

I’m very much looking forward to getting stuck in as this year’s Alumni Trustee, a position in which I feel very privileged to now hold having been an Award winner some 7 years ago. I’m excited to have an input as a young, black female musician and educator. In the wake of the recent pandemic which has severely affected the arts sector, this year is very significant in giving talent a chance during such unprecedented circumstances.  I’m excited to be on the Board at this time!

Mahaliah Edwards, AYM Alumni Trustee

We’ve appointed our second Alumni Trustee, Mahaliah Edwards. She joins Caius Lee, who became our first Alumni Trustee in 2019. Mahalia and Caius offer a unique perspective on the needs of young musicians from lower income backgrounds.

AYM is a learning organisation: we want to continue to develop and improve what we do and how we do it. A range of voices and experiences are vital to this process, so we’re delighted to welcome Mahalia to the Board.”

Hester Cockcroft, Chief Executive

Mahaliah Edwards is a violinist and educator who we first supported when she was 16 as part of our Awards programme. We helped her with funding to buy her own violin. This enabled her to successfully audition for the Purcell School, gaining a full scholarship. She went on to study at the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire. Whilst there she took part in our young musician led Talent to Talent mentoring programme. Mahaliah’s portfolio career now includes performing, teaching and workshop leading.

Originally from Bradford Caius Lee is currently Organ Scholar at St Catharine’s College, Cambridge. We began supporting Caius at the age of 15 when he was in need of funding for piano lessons, essential to his development as an organist. Already very active as a music educator across the country, Caius will embark on his final year at Cambridge this autumn..

“I know first hand how vital it is to create musical opportunities for young people. I am living proof of this; as a recently diagnosed neuro-diverse student with dyspraxia, dyslexia, ADHD, and possibly on the autistic spectrum. My involvement with music throughout secondary school helped me focus and subsequently engage educationally. I hope my perspective as a former Awards recipient will be valuable to the Board.”

Caius Lee, AYM Alumni Trustee

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